We Are Scientists - 'Barbara' (Album)
We Are Scientists strive for mediocrity. They make up-beat pop-rock that offers nothing new or exciting, nothing particularly challenging or interesting. The tempo never drops and whilst listening to any one song can be promising, you quickly realise the album is full of songs that follow a very tight formula, rarely mixing things up or taking a step back.
Its a well produced set, but this only goes to making the album seem more like a business project as opposed to the genuine imperfect sounds of Weezer or Surfer Blood. Thats not to say music can't be highly produced and still produce something desirable. Free Energy certainly do it on 'Stuck on Nothing', but the difference is that they sound like they are doing what they want, and having a lot of fun (it probably helps thats James Murphy is involved), whereas We Are Scientists sound like they are trying to sell a product
By the time i get to 'Foreign Kicks' i'm feeling like ive heard this song 7 times already in the last half hour. The lyrics are uninspiring and i swear every chorus has the lead singer singing in harmony with the guitar for at least two beats! But then the stand out point of the album arrives on the final track 'Central AC'. Maybe i'm clutching at straws, but i think (just maybe) that this song offers an exciting guitar hook and catchy vocals that hang around for just long enough to remain in my memory for more than the 2 seconds between songs.
Overall folks i think the Scientisits forgot that music is an Art, i wouldn't prioritize this in your list of albums i must hear, but maybe if your really keen on a band like Two Door Cinema Club then it might be worth a brief period of your time.